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Wargaming? Are you some kind of warmonger?

I have at various times been accused of being a warmonger because I like to play wargames or perhaps more politically correct military simulations. I really think liking or disliking war itself has nothing to do with my enjoyment of playing these types of games. I don’t like war, I’m not a veteran, I have not had someone shoot at me. I don’t know what’s like to hear the scream of an artillery shell coming, followed by an explosion that rocks the ground around me. I may not agree with my government’s decision to go to war but I will always support the brave men and women who have volunteered to do just that when so commanded. None of that has anything to do playing wargames, whether it’s a board game or with miniatures.

I play because I like history, I like the challenge of seeing whether I can do better or something different that brings me a victory on our cloth covered fields of battle. There is no noise, there is no blood spilled, at the end of the game counters go back in the box or troops go back into their storage trays ready for my next foray into the desertof North Africa, the fields of France or the islands of the Pacific. Mostly it’s the history that I enjoy, researching uniforms and orders of battle. I like to dive deep, to discern the causes of a given conflict or action to give a bit more meaning to the actions I have chosen to recreate. I love to paint miniatures and the research that goes along with that. At times there is frustration with that kind of research like trying to get any information on the flags used by Denmark during their period of heavy involvement in the thirty years war (at which time I found out that the best information on Danish flags from that period was in Swedish museums). I can’t even count the numbers of troops I have painted over the course of 30 years but it has to be pushing close to 10,000 when I think about the armies that I have bought, painted, sold and started over again.

Although I have not served myself, I am a Marine Corps brat and probably spent more time in the base hospital at Camp Pendletonthan your average Marine. My father was a Marine Corps Officer and I was but a signature away at one point of joining. My oldest son’s best friend is a Marine, my girlfriend’s oldest son is a Marine. I have friends and acquaintances that were in the Marines, the Army, the Navy and the Airforce (the one that served in a boomer is a little weird though ;-) ). A number of them served in Vietnam, Panama, the Gulf War, Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq. I have not lost a friend in combat though and I hope not to. I have three great uncles that served in WWII, one in the First Armored Division in North Africa and Italy. Another was in the 8th Air Force, 390th Heavy Bombardment Group flying into Germanyin the nose of a B-17 as a bombardier. The youngest was in an infantry division in the Pacific and fought and died during the re-invasion of the Philippines. Obviously I only knew two of those uncles, but I have Uncle Stanley’s Wings and Uncle Donald’s purple heart. Those are things that remind me that what I do is just a game and will never be more than a game. I fully appreciate that at times real people have to put their lives on the line so that I can continue to do what I do. I’m pretty sure that does not make me a warmonger.

New Book! - "F.A.Q. 2"

Mig Jimenez's newest book found its way to my door yesterday! Fortunately it is the English version so I can read it. I haven't actually read it yet, but I have flipped through it and looked at all the pretty pictures, stunning! There are a lot of new techniques and variations on old techniques and I'm pretty excited by trying to make some of this stuff work on my 15mm tanks. Not everything translates well from the bigger scales down but I should be able to make enough of it work to improve the looks of all my armor. I think I'm going to strip down a unit of my DAK force just to try them out (not the Pz IIIs, I'm thinking a platoon of my Aufklarungs that are mounted in 7 SdKfz 250/1). I would really like to get my hands on F.A.Q.1 but those just go for outrageous sums on eBay right now. Oh, and the cool bit. I guess because I pre-ordered mine (and long enough ago that I couldn't figure out why I had received a package from AK Interactive) my copy is signed. This is going to go along just great with my copy of "Imperial Armour Model Masterclass Vol 1" (will there ever be a Vol 2?).
I found a really good review of the book over at Armorama: FAQ 2 Review

Genghis Con XXXIII Painting Competitions

One of my convention activities at Genghis Con is coordinating the Painting Conference and Competition. Through a bit of mis-communication an old version of the event went into the program. So I figured I would at least get the record straight on one place. The CMPA is actually running two competitions but you only need to enter once and qualifying entries will be considered for the appropriate awards in both.

First is our standard medal competition. In this five judges review your entries in a category. They decide which piece they consider to be the best (so if you enter 3 figures in Single Historical/Modern only one will be judged, if you also enter a miniature in another category then it would be considered for that category) and then it will be scored from 0-4 by edge judge. We throw out the high and the low score and add the other three to determine what medal you will get; Gold, Silver or Bronze, or didn't place. This allows us to reward all the entries not just the top three. This is done for each category. Then using a trophy judging style the best miniature is selected from each category and from there a Best of Show is determined.

The second competition is exclusively for 15mm WWII miniatures and is called the Silver Star. Similar to Battlefront's Iron Cross but you can enter miniatures by any manufacturer.

There is a third competition being handled by LEG just for armies. Minimum of 30 "stands" and six "units" will get you into this competition. You must enter this separately though and it is being held in a different room.

Here are your categories for the main competition:

Fantasy Single Figure
Science Fiction Single Figure
Historical/Modern Single Figure
Machine of War
Large Figure/Large Monster (54mm+, includes busts)
Vehicle Unit
Non-Vehicle Unit
Juniors (Under 16)
Masterclass (painters that have won previous Best of Show awards)

The Big Awards
Best Competition (awarded to the best non-masterclass miniature, may also win Best in Show)
Best Mongol Miniature Theme (may also win Best in Show)
Best of Show

The Silver Star 15mm WWII competition
Best Tank
Best Objective Marker
Best Gun Team/Stand
Best Infantry Team/Stand
Best Platoon (vehicle, artillery, or infantry, minimum three vehicles or stands)
Best Hero

The Big Award
Best of Show 15mm WWII

WWI US Marines - Painting Sessions 4 & 5

I worked at home last night on these Marines and they traveled with me to Troll Country Games tonight. I painted while the rest of the group played Flames of War (Finns vs Americans). These are getting close to being done, just some small details to pick out and then the inevitable touch ups. I discovered that I'm out of the style of bases that I want to use so I'm going to have to order some tomorrow. That will probably set me back a bit on getting to that ready to play with toy soldiers point. So here is a group shot and the rest are in the WWI gallery (which is getting quite full at this point).

"Fix Bayonets!" - John William Thomason

A career Marine who started off as a second lieutenant in WWI, Thomason used his own experiences in Europe and China to really bring this collection of short stories to life. It was a great escape after reading all the hard core non-fiction that has occupied my time lately. Despite being written over 80 years ago this book still stands up to anything being written today. Filled with Thomason’s own fantastic illustrations, this is one of those books I had a hard time putting down. It is going to be one of those books that I read over and over again. You really can’t go wrong with this one. I’m not sure if there is an addition still in print but I had no problem finding a used copy.

"Fortifications of the Western Front 1914-1918" - Paddy Griffith

I just finished reading my newly arrived copy of “Fortifications of the Western Front 1914-1918” by Osprey, part of their Fortress series. This one got into the detail I was really looking for as far as how and why trenches were constructed and what their role on the battlefield was during this period. Well written and with pictures, original diagrams and drawings this one will give me a good start on building trench terrain for my foray into the Great War period. If you are giving thought on building a trench system for any period from WWI up this is an excellent resource.

The League of Extraordinary Gamers and Genghis Con XXXIII

The League of Extraordinary Gamers and Genghis Con XXXIII

Genghis Con will take place February 16th – 19that the Red Lion Hotel in Aurora Colorado. This convention is run by the Denver Gamers Association (DGA) a not-for-profit group established in 1978 to host game conventions in the Denver Metro area. Genghis Con is the oldest of the two conventions, the other being Tacticon which was established in 1987. Genghis Con attracts 1600 – 1700 individual gamers over Presidents’ Day  weekend, Tacticon attracts 800 – 900 individual gamers over the Labor Day weekend. You can find the DGA website here: Genghis Con
LEG members will be running 8 separate events this year and we are looking forward to a fine turnout of folks. Here are the games that we are running for this convention:

3018 Tyrant’s End Game – GW Man ‘o War hosted by Ian Darley
Saturday 2pm – 6pm

4001 Here Kitty, Kitty – Street Pigs Historical (Homebrew) by Bill Kehrman
Friday 7pm – 11pm

4005 Dark Age Siege – Modified The Sword and The Flame by Jeff Kohnke and John Rames
Sun 9am – 1pm

4006 Utrinque Paratus Ready for Anything pt 1 – Force on Force by Nick Johnson
Friday 7pm – 9pm
Saturday 2pm – 4pm
Saturday 4pm – 6pm
Saturday 7pm – 9pm

4007 Utrinque Paratus Ready for Anything pt 2 – Force on Force by Nick Johnson
Sunday 11am – 1pm
Sunday 2pm – 4pm

4011 LaSalle 15mm Tournament – LaSalle Napoleonics – Lee Schultz and Rob Graham
Saturday 8:30am – 5:30pm

4031 Historical Army Painting Competition – Patrick Synnott, Scott Merrifield, John Rames
Saturday Entries Accepted 9am – 5:30pm, Judging at 5:30pm (Minimum 30 stands and 6 units)

4035 Vietnam15mm Tournament – Flames of War Vietnam– Robert Farallo and Drew Sizemore
Sunday 9am – 6pm

I look forward to seeing miniature games surrounded by happy gamers!

WWI US Marines - Painting Session 3

So with one competition mini going for a stripping bath I figured I could work on the other two. I promptly found mold lines on both of those. Since the skin work was basically done at this point I didn't want to strip them so I carefully cleaned them up and will re-prime by hand when I get home. That means the Marines got a lot more attention today than they normally would have. So basic uniforms and coats are finished and I have laid in the dark layer for the webbing and other gear, which is fortunately all the same color. The first wash shade was applied as well and I'll build up to the lighter color from there. So one shot here and the rest in the gallery.

Paint Transport for the Pack Rat

I am a self acknowledged pack rat and I like to have my stuff with me. I regular pack up my paints 2 or 3 times a week and paint at the local FLGS or at friends' houses. Although I have a container that holds my "ready" paints. I hate to be in a situation where I don't have something that I need. I have tried various snap tite containers over the last couple of years and overall they are pretty good. But they haven't held up to the constant transport abuse like I hoped they would. To that end I keep an eye out for something to supplement them with. Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Lowes and Home Dept are the usually culprits and the scrap booking and tool box sections are usually where I end up. Back in November I struck gold at Hobby Lobby. A transport designed for scrapbooking that was twice as wide as the ones I usually find. The interior compartment was deep and was sectioned off with compartments but closer examination showed that these were velcroed in place and could be removed. Three compartments on the outside and wheels with a collapsible handle sealed the deal. The price tag $130.00. Pretty rich for my blood, but then if you sign up for Hobby Lobby email alerts you get coupons for 40% off on a regular basis right to your email. So one month later this baby was mine. It has served very well and I have it packed full. Since its designed for a hobby that deals with paper its pretty sturdy and it looks like its going to hold up to my abuse for a long time. So here are the pics of the thing loaded down, including a shot of everything I'm currently carrying in the main compartment. It will be doubling as a troop transport when that need arises.
Yes, I know, the palette needs to be cleaned.
Here is the bag of holding shot. Three of the large snap tite cases, three of the medium snap tite cases, my Ott Light, a box of Vallejo Washes, a ziplock bag full of steel wool, six bags of Old Glory WWI Miniatures, one little box of Brigade Games WWI Miniatures, two Osprey Reference books and three Battlefront Flames of War books (because I keep forgetting they are in there). Not inside the box were the two sets of keys, the sunglasses, the newspapers or the dining room table.