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Here thar be treasure - Part 2

I had something of a disaster tonight. I was working on the "hero" for the diorama and she literally broke in half when I went after a mold line that I missed. Literally broke in half across the stomach. I tried to glue her back together but was only partially successful. So my choice is to start over or give her one hell of a scar across her stomach. If I can find another one locally I'm going to start over on her, I'm just not sure I can pull the scar off.

So instead of painting the miniatures I opted to get the base as close to finished as I could tonight. Here are some pictures of tonight's progress. This has come a long way from what I showed the other day. I would say that its really about 90% complete at the moment. I'm leaving one wall loose so I can position the minis inside the hall correctly, then I'll seal the whole think up. I'm please with the claustrophobic effect its giving off right now.
So a shot from the last time.
And how it looks now, without the wall.

 And with the wall in place