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WooHoo! Run Out The Guns Shipping!

There was an update in Kickstarter to day from Laser Dreamworks. There it is highlighted below, my sloop slaughter is on the way consisting of the USS Wasp and the HMS Frolic. Of course they are way bigger than I thought they were going to be so I'll have to figure out where the heck to put them after I put them together. At some point I'm going to pick up some of the smaller ships as well. What I really need right now is a riverboat.

Shipment #2

Update #26 ·Dec. 07, 2012 ·comment
Greetings everyone, we sent out another big shipment today. So if you pledged at the Brig Brawl, Sloop Slaughter, or Captain level, look for your packages sometime next week. It will probably be the week after for my friends down under. If all goes well this weekend, our two commodores will have fleets departing on Monday as well. That leaves me with my shipwrights, a few gunners, and Admirals Windbigler and Delinger. I get a few weeks off from my day job at the end of the month so I should have everything wrapped up by new years! I really appreciate everyone’s patience. I also appreciate the notes and cards and feedback I have gotten from you. Again, if you need any help as you work on your ships, or have ideas on what I can do to make them better, I welcome your opinion. We have also re-launched our website after changing our webhosting and shopping cart to a much better set of services. Almost everything from the kickstarter is now offered there (I still need to add a few of the gunboats). So when your friends drool over your fantastic new ships - you will know where to send them! The deals will not be quite as good as you guys got – but I think we are very competitive with the other options available. Finally, I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday season and enjoys the people and pursuits they love the most. Regards, Matt Green