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Building Calamity - Marshal's Office Finished

Well the exterior is finished, I'm still deciding what to do with the interior. But it should look just fine on the table right now. This is definitely not a blow by blow account on how I finished this one. It is the only brick structure that I have so it should stand out a bit. There are a couple of details that I'm not fond of, one of those being that the corners are wood for the brick exterior walls. I would have preferred to see a more standard brick corner. Overall its fine though and I'm pretty happy with the way it came out.

I haven't added any kind of dirt to it yet. I'll save that for when its mounted on its sabot. I'll want to match the ground cover as closely as I can with all the other buildings. So there is work to be done but for now it can sit on the completed shelf and I can move on to another building. The railroad station is nearing completion as well. It needs some touch up paintwork and the roofs need to be shingled, probably a little work on the chimney as well, but its getting close and I'm much happier with it at the moment.

The front, the roof is off in this shot, the interior is not lighted, however, that is an interesting idea.
The brickwork was done with a combination of pigments and isopropyl alcohol which creates a  paint like pigment paste. 
I may go back in and do more with the brickwork. I like the dark mortar lines but they don't show up very well.
You can't really see the paintwork on the roof, but it looks good. Pretty pleased with the way the roof came out.
Back to the front. The whole thing needs a shot of dullcote now to seal it up and provide some protection