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ACW Regimental OOBs - Potomac Publishing

Now there's a set of acronyms for you! If you even a somewhat serious gamer you already know that I'm talking about Orders Of Battles for the American Civil War. I love my acronyms to much to just tell you that flat out in the title. My ACW army is by far the most complete army that I have. I only have to finish off some cavalry and then go to town on some really nice command stands and it will be finished, well at least as much as any army is every finished.

Today on TMP I discovered that Potomac Publishing had just released their fourth OOB book for the Civil War. I popped over to Wargame Vault to check it out. The newest release is Bullets & Dirt and features 10  scenarios taken from both the eastern and western theaters from 1861 - 1864. This is one of those products I keep meaning to pick up and then forget to do it. Since its available as a download file though I splurged and picked up Bullets & Dirt, Across a Deadly Space and Rebel Yell Yankee Hurrah!. There is a fourth one; Kirby Smith's Confederacy plus a campaign book (Elkhorn Tavern Campaign). I skipped those to for now because there are other things I need to get, but I'll be adding these soon as well. Each scenario has the historical background, the units involved (down to the number of men and the type of musket the unit used), their moral level, commander ratings and some really nice setup maps. The battles vary in size from something you can play in a 2'x2' area up to the traditional 4'x8' and even some that would fit on the old 5'x9' Ping Pong table. The books are currently $12 to download at Wargame Vault and I think they are well worth the price. Combine these with the Fire and Fury Regimental rules and you have a year of ACW gaming in your future.