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» BONES II, The Return of Mr Bones. Reaper Miniatures Kickstarter entering its final days
BONES II, The Return of Mr Bones. Reaper Miniatures Kickstarter entering its final days
This kickstarter is moving right along and I'm still firmly in the camp of it breaking the 4 million dollar mark by the end. And with that in mind I would recommend jumping in now before the servers crash. For those of you running really tight budgets right now (darn that broken windshield) there is an option for you. You can pledge for $1 that gets you in and locks in your spot. The $1 pledge will allow you access to everything, so if you just want that box of mouslings, you are in for $11, if you want just one of the components of the core set you can get it that way. What really makes this a good way in is that you can increase your pledge later through the pledge manager. That doesn't help us unlock additional stretch goals but if you only have $20 bucks today but will have more when that paycheck arrives you can still pledge and get what you want at the kickstarter prices.
If you are a backer outside of the US then you will be paying for shipping. Reaper has set up a pledge calculator that will let you determine what the postage is going to be right now. This locks in that as your postage amount which you can either include as part of your pledge or pay it later through Paypal. There is no calculator thought for taxes (unless you live in TX), import duties, fees, VAT etc. You are on your own there. But if shipping rates go up before the delivery next year then Reaper is picking up the difference. They have made this one really easy to get into so just dive in!
Here's a pic of the latest goal that was just tripped this morning. This is an optional add-on and could be used in a lot of games from fantasy to horror to Sci/Fi. That's a lot mini for $12.
on Tuesday, October 22, 2013