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Finally, One Project is Almost Complete - Dwarf Team for Blood Bowl

Yesterday was dull and dreary out, so here is a shot of the sunflower garden still in bloom with Tango in the middle of it all. This is the closeup shot, there is another that shows just how small he is against the sunflowers. Today its all about him though.

I started yet another project, but a small one so that I would be sure to finish it. Plus there is deadline date so that I can join the local Blood Bowl league that my friend runs. I don't actually play Blood Bowl at this point but I have a number of friends that do and quite frankly I have been in a serious rut with my western town of Calamity so I thought that a small project might get me back on track. I spent a lot of time looking for a team that would be fun to paint and I finally stumbled across a dwarf biker team by Neomics. I decided that this was the team for me.

I picked up two other dwarves from Gaspez-Arts (also carried by Neomics, I think maybe even the same sculptor); The Dwarf Medic and the Dwarf Cheerleader. These spositions weren't available in the Neomics line (I may, at some point, pick up the entire team from Gaspez-Arts. The Pirate theme just didn't thrill me then, but it has become more appealing now).

So an order to Neomics in Germany, got me everything I wanted, well mostly wanted. The initial order fulfillment got me an extra "blitzer" instead of "runner 2" but Neomics took care of that. However, the replacement that they sent was miscast and  basically missing his right hand. Rather than have to wait another 2-3 weeks for the replacement to arrive I used the hand from one of the dwarfs lying around my workbench. Another volunteer for the melt bucket at ReaperCon.

This little project is finally coming to an end. I thought I would show a few in progress shots now to get me over the hump and get them done. Sixteen of them are now at the touch up stage and the last one is about 75% complete. I'm going to push hard to get them finished this week. Then I just have to hook up with my buddies and see if I even like this game. Its quite possible this team will be up for sale very quickly!

So just a few teaser shots at this point. At this point most of these are only about 50% finished, some more some less. Its just a sample of what I have been doing. I'll post more shots when they are finished.
The whole team in my foam transport. Originally this foam was designed for paint bottles but I found it held my miniatures on their painting bottle caps pretty well too.

Two of the different styles of Linemen




Hopefully finished shots of the whole team later this week. My first game is Saturday.