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Colorado Scenary

I have lived in Colorado since I was twelve. I lived in a lot of other places before my family finally moved here and I have never had the desire to live anywhere else (okay, well maybe New Zealand). Sometimes I take for granted just how beautiful this state really is. None of these pictures really does the area justice, its hard to capture some of these scenes with a little phone camera and my DSLRs are just a bit to big to handle one handed. Colorado is about 1/3 plains and 2/3 mountains and a good chunk (over 50%) of it is made up of state and federal parks. Contrary to popular belief Denver itself is not in the mountains but on the plains and is known as the "Queen City of the Plains" but drive an hour to the west and you are deep in the mountains and coming up on the continental divide. So here's a look at my home state from plains to mountains.

The foothills near Boulder

Somewhere between Boulder and Golden on Highway 93

On I-25 head south to Denver

On Highway 115 going north to Colorado Springs

Somewhere on the road going from Ft Collins to Denver on the way to work

I-25 North to Ft Collins. From here its only about 10 miles or so to that first low ridge of the Front Range, the snow capped peaks beyond that are not on the continental divide. The peak left of center (click on the picture for a larger view) is Long's Peak in Estes Park part of the Front Range. She rises to 14,259 feet. I'm guessing that the peak is about 50 miles away from where I took this shot.