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007 Video game: Tomorrow Never Dies (1999)

007 VIDEO GAME TITLE: Tomorrow Never Dies
DEVELOPER: Black Ops Entertainment
PLATFORM(S): PlayStation
BOND LIKENESS: Pierce Brosnan


This game marks the fourth appearance of Pierce Brosnan's James Bond, although the voice of Bond is provided by actor Adam Blackwood in the game.

Tomorrow Never Diescame on the heels of GoldenEye (video game), often hailed as one of the best first-person shooters for a console. After the success of GoldenEye 007, the James Bond licence was picked up by Electronic Arts. Tomorrow Never Dies broke away from the gameplay that made GoldenEye 007 a success by choosing to make a third-person shooter and by leaving out a multiplayer portion of the game. The game was met with only average reviews. After this title, a third-person shooter based on the James Bond franchise wouldn't be attempted again until 2004 with Everything or Nothing.

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