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Calamity Gets a New RR Station - Part 2

Tonight I grabbed the pieces that I had marked up and started cutting. Cutting windows and doors out of styrene is just a pain. Always easier with a sharp knife though, so I made sure I had plenty of blades ready to go. With the cuts all completed I kind of stacked everything into place to get an idea of how it might look. At this point I'm pretty pleased with the overall feel. I start working on the exterior pieces that I can do without the doors and windows. I need to place that order or things are going to stall pretty quick. I also need to decide on the foundation. I'm actually thinking about a stone foundation for this one it will provide a nice contrast to the other buildings in town.

Here are the pictures from tonight's work.
Right Side Elevation, lower windows cut out

Right Side Elevation with some citizens for scale

Left Side Elevation, top windows and the freight door in. Check the height where the freight platform will sit. I may need to modify this a bit. Time to pull out some track and a box car and see if they line up properly.

The windows cut out for the sides of the bay windows

Now in individual sections

The front (two windows) and the trackside portions of the bay windows. On the left is the wall for the baggage/freight room.

Checking the heights and a scale for the bay window.

Front Elevation. Note how short the actual door casting is. I'll add some framing to lengthen it and a couple extra pieces of plastic to the top and bottom of the door to make it match the new space. It will look a lot better with the taller miniatures.

Front elevation, opposite side

Trackside elevation, waiting room door

Trackside pieces

Front side pieces

Standing the front side up. Look, another use for clamps!

Front Side, all standing up, more or less

A few citizens for scale

And the trackside elevation. I didn't cut out the bay windows because I need to "build" it from three of the window castings so I'm not exactly sure what the size will be. The baggage platform will occupy most of the right side of the building