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USMC WWI Tuesday Work

Tonight ended up as another prep night. The basing material I used on the 2nd Platoon flattened out on me and didn't fill in the lipped base the way I wanted it to. I had to give another coat of the other gel to add some texture and depth. So they spent their time drying this evening instead of being finished off.

I did remember to stop and buy super glue so the 3rd Platoon was mounted to the rest of my regular lipped bases. I then applied the same basing material that I used as the second coat on 2nd Platoon's bases. These look like they are drying the way I want so they should be ready for painting tomorrow.

I decided to mount the 4th Platoon on some deadfall bases I purchased from Secret Weapon Miniatures. They do a lot of different bases and I really like these. However, that means I had to cut 4th Platoon from their integral bases and drill them out for pins. I know I could have glued these directly to the Secret Weapon bases but I prefer to pin them for added strength.

At the end of the evening; 2nd Platoon is ready for their bases to be finished off, 3rd Platoon is ready for painting as is 4th Platoon. While I'm tempted to paint both 3rd and 4th Platoon at the same time I think I'll go ahead and set 4th Platoon aside and wait till I'm ready to do the basing on 3rd Platoon before I start them.

I have two more bags that contain the 5th and 6th Platoon and I think I have enough miniatures to do a 7th and 8th Platoon as well. I'm probably going to be short Chauchat gunners so I may need one more pack to finish them off.

Here are the pictures from tonight:
2nd Platoon waiting to have their bases finished

3rd Platoon mounted on the standard lipped base that I like
3rd Platoon with their bases textured. 
3rd Platoon is ready for paint, maybe tomorrow!

4th Platoon cut away from their integral bases

4th Platoons bases

Pins being added to 4th Platoon.

First set of pins have been clipped to length, another set drilled and pins glued in.

4th Platoon ready for paint. They will have to wait for 3rd Platoon though!