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Kickstarter Progress - The Amazons for Wargods of Olympus

The Wargods of Olympus Kickstarter is being delivered in "waves" but with a slightly different approach than with most delivery "waves". The Croc is shipping things, mostly, by faction. If you were in at the painter level that was delivered as the first wave, followed by the Trojans, then the Spartans and Mycenaeans (both of which already had fairly solid forces available and just needed a few extras to fill out their armies) and now the Amazons and Automations. I knew this Kickstarter was likely to be delayed because of the large number of new sculpts that were required. The Amazons are likely to take a little longer than expected as well because it is by far the most popular faction of the Kickstarter according to sources at the Croc. But it sounds like the last sculpts are getting finished up now and casting should commence shortly. Unfortunately the Amazon Cavalry are a Wave 2 item so I won't see those models until after the Athenians, Corinthians and Wave 2 Troy models have been completed. I haven't pulled out my Wargods armies in a long time, but its still one of my favorite miniature games to play. I should pull out my Basti army and see what I need to do to expand it while I wait for the Amazons to arrive.

The Amazon army is one of the reasons I'm participating in the Basius 2 Kickstarter. While its a smaller army I'll still need another 60 25mm square bases and  11 25mmx50mm cavalry bases, I may decide to redo my Basti army bases with the Basius pads as well, they are rather plain right now and could use an upgrade. 

Here are some pictures straight from the Croc: