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Magnets, Drillbits and Milestones

First the Milestone, the blog hit 200,000 page views today and I calculated that about 43,000 individuals have visited the blog since I started in way back in January of 2012. So there's the exciting news of the day, thank you everyone for sticking with me and my half completed projects!

On to the work. My magnets arrived yesterday and I picked up the drill bit (A Forstner Bit) to make the cut outs for the magnets. I purchased both 3/8" diameter and 1/2" diameter magnets, still haven't decided which ones I'm going to use. Tonight I opted to try out the 1/2" magnets.

The first thing I learned after trying this out is that the holes have to be cut more precisely than I did it. Otherwise the sides are actually held out of alignment, kind of ugly looking. I figured I may as well keep going tonight and I decided to build the background for the Trophy Hunter just to see how things might go together with some thing other than matte board.

Here are the pictures from tonight:

A Forstner bit is designed to cut into the wood and leave a flat bottom.

The drill press with the bench set at 45 degrees so that I was actually cutting into a flat surface

1/2" x 1/16" Rare Earth Magnets. The self adhesive on these isn't even close to be strong enough for my purposes, I'll have to go with epoxy to hold them in place.

Marking the back for the holes

Holes drilled, I think I missed getting everything lined up properly

Magnets in place

Gluing wood strips for the floor. These are coffee stirrers.

And the otherside

Planking going on for the display base portion

The floor is in, looks pretty good

Trimming it out. I may need to apply a second coat of  Danish oil to the bottom as well as the back (to seal it).

Baseboards in place

Putting the scene back together

Adding some color. I used a brush I should have used an airbrush to get a nice even coat. I do like that green though.