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Anne's Challenge

I have spent some time over the last few months providing a little (very little actually) guidance to my friend Anne O'Leary (Anne's Attic)  as she took up the brush and entered our fascinating (and addictive) world of painting miniatures.With five or six miniatures under her belt (and nicely done I might add) she has set her sights pretty darn high challenged Ray Rousell (Don't Throw a One) to a painting challenge.

The gauntlet has been thrown and the miniature has been selected, a mouse wizard from Dark Sword (I'm still confused over how in the world anyone would vote for a mouse wizard over a topless chick). Since Anne issued the challenge Ray gets to pick the rules. Fortunately Ray has mainly painted cutesy little 15mm miniatures not manly 28mm miniatures so Anne may have a leg up on him.

This should be very entertaining and I suggest that everyone take a look at what's going on over in the Attic:

The Challenge Your Going Down!
What have I done?! A Mouse in the House