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Danes TYW/ECW - Oil Wipe take 2

Just over 24 hours after priming I tried again with the oil wipe technique. Much better this time. I still managed to rub down to bare metal but only in very small spots so I can deal with that. I really like the way the burnt umber went on the Army Painter, Brown Leather, but not so happy with the Tamiya Dull Red or Camel Yellow. First I managed to rub away to much of the Dull Red off, so first lesson (which I already knew) enamel still isn't primer. I'm going to check to see what Army Painter has for Red or Yellow types of primers when I have a chance this week. In the meantime the first unit of cavalry is drying and should be ready for painting tomorrow. I may go ahead and rub down the rest of the brown leather primed cavalry,

So here are a few pictures of today's results.
Here are all six of the brown primed cavalry for the King's Cuirassier Regiment.

Red primed horse, brown primed rider

Yellow primed horse, brown primed rider