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SAGA Normans need a home

The 6 points of SAGA Normans that I painted up for a client have come home. Client decided he didn't like the game (although I'm not sure how that is possible) and in combination with losing his job gave them back to me. Really nobody is at fault here. There are a few little repairs to do, a pair of crossbows have gone missing, one bow is broken and two horses have lost their tails (I'm not sure I can do anything about that). A couple of riders have been unhorsed and have lost their weapons (at least I have the weapons). So maybe an hour or two of work to get them back to pristine condition.

If you are interested in owning this SAGA Norman army let me know and we can discuss the details. I would keep it myself but this was supposed to fund a couple of other projects that are now on hold.
Spearmen - 1pt
 Crossbows - 1 pt
 Hearthguard - 1 pt
 Hearthguard - 1pt
 Hearthguard - 1pt
 Levy - 1 pt
 The Warlord