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Danes TYW/ECW - Primer Round 2

Its been hot and muggy today. The heat isn't unusual but the humidity is. Its up to 55% today, pretty darn humid for a high altitude, dry climate like ours. I was up early applying primer to the Danish Cavalry units this morning. I opted not to use the Tamiya Nato Brown and just went with the Army Painter Leather Brown Primer, along with the Tamiya Camel Yellow and Dull Red. I know those sound like weird choices but they certainly seem to work when you check out the tutorial that olddorg posted his Metal Mountain blog: painting-horses

I deliberately didn't bring my oil paints with me this weekend so that I would make sure the primer had plenty of time to cure. Hopefully I will be more successful with the oil wipe tomorrow night.

Here is all the cavalry primed and ready to go.