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Painting the Ultimate Halfling Team for Blood Bowl - Session 5 Halflings finished

Spent some time today doing some base work on a couple of different projects including my Halfling Blood Bowl team. I still have the three Treemen to start on but the bulk of the halfling side of the team is finished. So here are the finished shots:

Team Shot

Coach and Chef, these weren't included as part of the team but they were cool so I picked them up.

Halfling #3, Halfling #12 and Halfling #7

Poggy (another extra player), Halfling #4, Halfling #11, and Halfling #10

Halfling #6, Halfling #13, Halfling #8, and Halfling #1

Halfling #14, Halfling #5, Halfling #2, and Halfling #9