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Painting the Ultimate Halfling Team for Blood Bowl - Session 2

This really isn't a session 2 the way I had a session 1. This is the culmination of 3 or 4 days worth of painting, snatching an hour or two here and there. I have managed to finish off the red, add the purple as an accent color and get most of the leather done (I missed a few spots and one entire miniature during the leather process). They are coming along pretty good right now. I love some of the expressions on these guys, they have a lot of attitude. Here's a few pictures of the progress, they are closing in on being done, getting to the fiddly bits now. I haven't even started the three treemen players. I'm kind of at a loss on how to paint them.

I spent some time on another little project as well, but I have to get permission before I can post pictures (and I may not be allowed to).

I love this guy, but I see some paint splatter.