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Painting the Ultimate Halfling Team for Blood Bowl - Session 3

Work on the Halfling Blood Bowl team was rudely interrupted by a bunch of Marines marching through followed by a quick side trip for some citizens of Calamity. The Marines are ready to prime and Calamity has 8 newly painted citizens.  Before the sidetracks I had painted the halflings about as far as I could with my normal assembly line methods. That was followed by traveling for work, so now its time to hit the picky detail stuff. I have tidied up the red and yellow of all the uniforms and I think I have found all the spots I missed the first time through. Now I'm taking each one individually to finished. I finished three of the tonight; the Coach, Halfling #8 and Halfling #14. I'm using the numbers off of the picture that was posted on Indiegogo just so I had some way of telling them apart. So three done 15 more to go. Well and the treemen, I haven't even started those.

Halfling #8

Halfling #14
