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The Beginning - Willy Miniatures Ultimate Halfling Team

I managed some work on the Halfling Blood Bowl team this weekend. I prepped and assembled everything. Old Stump required some surgery to make his left arm fit properly, it wasn't terribly difficult a regular razor saw took care of the initial work very neatly. I sculpted a new nose for Player #5 and a new finger for Player #1. I'm sure they are going to be replaced but I would rather be painting than waiting for replacements. I think I did just fine, once they are painted you will be hard pressed to figure out which ones needed to be fixed.

I have a few step by step shots of working on Old Stump, the miscasts and then some team photos after they were primed.
Player #5 miscast nose

Player #1 miscast finger on right hand (he should be pointing at something)

Old Stump Torso

Removing the shoulder pad over the left arm, single straight cut.

Left arm in position (test fit)

Old Stump assembled (epoxy) with the shoulder pad back in place

From the top
Team shot 1

Team Shot 2

Close Up Left Side

Close Up Center

Close Up Right Side


Old Stump

Other Treeman (he should have a Halfling in his left hand, but I forgot and left him in the box