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Calamity - Newspaper Office - Interior work

A bit more progress on Calamity's next building. I made a run to one of the craft stores and picked out some paper from the scrapbooking section that had some texture on it. The texture is probably a bit out of scale but its useful for this. I'm using this for wallpaper. I went to work and painted the wood first, which allowed me to be a little messy and then applied the wallpaper in strips. Now a real wall hanger wouldn't leave the seams that I did, that was deliberate on my part. I wanted more texture to draw the eye into the building. At this point I'm about ready to assemble the whole thing but that will have to wait till I can get back to my regular workbench and my clamps. There are still exterior details to finish off, like the top front and the backside of the false front plus I haven't cut out the roof pieces yet either. They shouldn't require much work since I'm just going to apply shingles directly to the plastic. I might add another interior wall to this one, I haven't quite decided yet. I need to decide before I assemble the building as I'll  have to make some adjustments on the interior side of the long walls. We will see. I have also toyed with lighting the interior, but I haven't found anything that I can really make into a light easily, plus I would have to figure out how to wire it. I can save that for another day.

Here are a few pictures of the progress so far:

Some dark wood color applied to anything that resembles wood on the inside. Since the top will be covered with wallpaper I can be messy here,

I decided to start applying the wallpaper to the walls of the addition first. Here is the first strip glued in place, I used Scotch Quick-Dry Adhesive for this.

Three strips applied and trimmed up.

Finished with the wallpaper in the addition

Finished with the wallpaper in the main room

The other side of the rear wall finished up.

Dry fitting the parts together to see how they look. Pretty pleased at this point. Didn't have any painted citizens with so this one had to do.