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Calamity - Prototype Buildings - Moving Forward

I was able to take some time and do some basic assembly with the Silver Plume Bakery and the Crested Butte Newspaper Office (Pilot). I pulled out some minis and judged them for scale and I'm pretty happy with the result so I think I can move forward with these two buildings. While I enjoy scratch building structures I also believe in making it as easy as possible so a trip to Caboose Hobbies took place. There I was able to directly compare the windows and doors from Grandt Line for both their O and S scale lines to my templates. While I talk a lot about scale when building Calamity, its not nearly as big a factor as I make it out to be. First I can't let it dictate everything since I'm working in our odd 1/56th scale. All I really need our windows and doors that will fit the openings that I have what "scale" they actually are is irrelevant. There are a fair number of manufacturers out there that make windows in doors in the various railroad scales. The reason I went with Grandt Line is that they give actual measurements of their products in the their online descriptions. With good measurements I can at least get close and ultimately that's all I really need to do, if the proportions look right then it should work just fine. Caboose Hobbies stays pretty well stocked on Grandt Line parts so I have ready access if I need it and if they don't have it I can order it pretty easy. Doors look like they are going to be a bit more difficult to deal with and I may have to actually make all the doors, we can't have everything!

The next decision is what material to use for the construction. I'm leaning towards plastic right now. I could go with the wood and use the matt board as a core, but plastic is pretty easy to work with and I have a lot on hand. I'll have to dwell on it a bit.

So a few pictures of what I ended up with:
This makes a nice odd corner for an ambush

This corner could be a problem, fortunately there is a window to dive through.

Looks good, will still need a front porch though

The Bakery, I seem to have misplaced two of the side pieces that help fill in the doorway. The door is set at an angle across the opening.

My prototypes side by side

Sitting next to my Battle Flag Saloon

And here is how some of my Grandt Line parts might work out:
The results of the shopping trip to Caboose Hobbies. Calamity Citizens checking out the purchases.

Masonry Window, usually used in a brick or stone wall but its nice because it doesn't have any kind of ornate frame so its pretty flexible. A bit tall for the Bakery though

Pretty good fit on the Pilot though. A little wide, I'll have to see if there is a narrower one available. Tiche Trains Group is another parts possibility,

That's almost a perfect fit and I like how it looks.

With a Brigade Games mini standing outside the window.

Still a bit large for the Bakery

Two different styles in the RGS pack

The larger RGS window might be a good fit for the Bakery. Maybe add an a narrower window on the right or left and make the building a bit wider to match.
A little small for the opening I scaled from the plans but its a good look none the less.

I love these windows, I used them in a Halloween Diorama once.

Not a bad look for the Pilot

Way to big for the bakery

These good work on the Bakery

Adjusting the sizes a bit these good work for the Bakery front as well.

Works nice for the front of the Pilot as well.