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Calamity - Prototype Building - Newspaper Office

This is the second building in my prototype series. This one came from one of my model railroad books; "Structures of the Early West" by Joseph Crea and Elwood Bell (2nd Edition 1994). This little structure still exists in the city of Crested Butte in Colorado. It has served a number of businesses over the years including the main office of the Crested Butte Pilot. Based on pictures I have found I think its a burger place now called Izzy's.

Much the same as last night. Although it turned out to be a bit bigger than I expected in the end. The initial layout was done on matt board then cut out and sort of stacked together since I didn't bring any glue with me. I do wish I had brought a few minis with me to check the scale though.

On to the bacon:

Still standing! Although it looks like one of the side windows has been moved sometime between the 1975 (1st edition) and now)

Laying it out

Front and right side, lean to is not visible from this angle

Right side, showing the off set lean to

Left side, see how the lean to sticks out into the alley

And from the back