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Calamity Gets a New RR Station - Part 7

Sometimes this build feels like it will never end. I think that's partially because I'm working out a different sequence. Since I'm building essentially finishing the interior before assembly it feels like its taking a lot longer, but that means assembly will really pretty much be the last step in the process beyond a bit more weathering when everything is brought together. I was just thinking that I haven't even started to work on the platform that wraps around the station yet. I might break that out as a separate build. It feels like more progress was done last night because I was actually painting. I'm going to take everything with me to the monthly painting workshop (Dark Matter Games, 2nd Saturday of the month) and see what I can finish over there.
Here are the pictures from last night:

Painting is finished on the windows and I'm starting the peeling process. You can see some of that happening on the windows on the right.

First color is on. Yellow is the main color. This is where the importance of the weathering basecoat can be seen. Good coverage with yellow is difficult, but its working for me because I want it to have a fading color so you can see some of the weathering showing through, an affect that will be accentuated when I start peeling the paint.

Now the green is going on. I'll be trying to get a heavier peeling affect at the bottom edge, where shoes and boots will have thumped against the paint job.

And the white trim going on. I'll have to be sure to scrape it away on sections that need to be glued together. I'll also have to remove some of the wallpaper from the inside. I didn't completely think things through there and I covered up some plastic that should have remained exposed.

As an afterthought, when I did the wallpaper on the inside I decided not to cut out the portions that covered the windows and doors. This helped avoid getting paint on the inside where I didn't want it. Not that it completely helped as some of my weathering base managed to work its way into the inside anyway.